Siglas Inglés Castellano
A.F. / Advanced
Freight = Flete adelantado
Ad.Val / Ad
Valorem = Según Valor
BAF / Bunker
Adjustement Factor = Factor Ajuste Combustible
B/L / Bill of
Lading = Conocimiento de Embarque
B/N / Booking
Note = Nota de reserva de espacio
B.S. / Bunker
Surcharge = Sobrecarga por Combustible
b.t. / Berth
Terms = Términos de Línea Regular
C.A.D. / Cash
Against Documents = Al contado contra documentos
C.A.F. /
Currency Adjustement Factor = Factor Ajuste por Divisa
CBF / Cubic
Feet = Pies Cúbicos
CBM / Cubic
Meters = Metros Cúbicos
cld / Cleared =
Despachado de Aduana
CI / Consular
Invoice = Factura Consular
CO / Certificat
of Origin = Certificado de Origen
C.O.B. / Cargo
on Board = Mercancía a Bordo
C.O.D. / Cash on Delivery = Entrega contra reembolso
C.O.S. / Cash
on Shipment = Pago Contado al Embarque
C.S. /
Congestion Surcharge = Recargo Congestión Puerto
CS / Collection
Surcharge = Recargo Cobro Flete Destino
C.T. / Combined
Transport = Transporte Combinado
CWE / Cleared
Whitout Examination = Despachado sin Inspección
dd / Delivered
= Entregado
d.f. / Dead freight = Falso flete
Dis./ Discount
= Descuento
D.O. /
Delivered Order = Nota de Entrega
D/P / Documents
against payment = Entrega Documentos contra pago
Dy./ Delivered
= Entregado
E.L.S. / Extra
Lenght Surcharge = Recargo Bultos Extralargos
E.W.S. / Extra
Weight Surcharge = Recargo por Bultos Pesados
Combined Transport Bill of Lading = Conocimiento de Embarque Combinado
Full Container Load = Contenedor completo
FILO / Free In
Liner Out = Flete (no gastos carga, si descarga)
Frt. / Freight Flete L/C Letter of Credit = Carta de Crédito
LCL / Less than Container Load = Menos de Contenedor Completo
LIFO / Liner In Free Out = Flete (si gastos carga, no descarga)
LT / Liner
Terms = Condiciones línea (Flete si carga/descarga)
LT / Long Ton =
Tonelada Larga (1.016 Kg)
M.R. / Mate¦s
Receipt = Recibo del Piloto
m/s / Motor Ship = Motonave
m/v / Motor
Vessel = Motonave
MT / Metric Ton
= Tonelada Métrica
O/D / Over Deck
= Sobre Cubierta
o/o / Order of
= A la orden de
o/a / Overall =
Medidas Máximas Extremas
ppd / Prepaid = Prepagado
r.o.b. / Remaining on Board = Que quedan a bordo
SB / Short Bill Of Lading = Conocimiento Abreviado
STC / Said to
Contain = Que se dice contiene
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